A short corporate film, directed by Peter Sinclair, using footage shot using 4K HD video, at multiple locations, as well as within the air via helicopter, was commissioned by the Mexican tourist board on behalf of the Campeche district in southern Mexico.

Campeche is a beautiful part of southern Mexico, with untouched jungles, ancient pyramids and friendly local customs. The purpose of the film was to capture the beauty of the surrounding areas specifically.  A Spa & Golf Marina Resort complex was also being built in Campeche, so the Mexican tourist board also wanted a nice sleek corporate promotional film made, to attract visitors to the Campeche area, as well as to the up & coming Spa & Golf Marina resort.

Shooting took place over 3 days, as the film crew explored every inch of Campeche, as well as the surrounding areas. Also having access to parts of some of Campeche’s attractions, outside of normal tourist hours, in order to capture some breath-taking sun rises, as well as sun setting scenery.

Creative Director/Shoot Director – Peter Sinclair
Cameraman – James Buck
Edit/Post – Nats Post production